Thursday, August 28, 2008

Yes We Can!

Wow. Just wow. My tax accounting class let out early...very early...following a presentation about the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Trust me, it's important to future accountants/auditors. NEway, we left early. Our instructor was apparently as anxious to get home to watch Obama's acceptance speech as many of us were. Apparently, I'm not going to be the only Democratic accountant in this state.

I still wish I was there. I really do. It would have been unreal. But I did get to watch it live, so there's that. And even though I haven't forgotten, he did remind me why he caught my attention in the first place. He's American first, last and always. He has the respect of Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike, and he's earned it. He believes in a government that works together, regardless of party.

My closest friend here in Colorado is an undeclared voter who is, for all intents and purposes, a Republican. We do talk about politics when it comes up, and we have differing views on many things. And it's okay. It's okay to have a different opinion. As long as that opinion doesn't get in the way of the brain. Sometimes, we agree to disagree. But we would defend each others' rights TO THE DEATH to disagree. Barack Obama said the same thing.

I couldn't help but rise to my feet and clap while watching in the comfort of my living room. The room that one day, may not be mine because I still haven't found a job. But I realized that even though I might lose my house, even though I might have to move back home, I still have more opportunities than my father had. And in order to maintain that opportunity, I need a leader I can count on to help preserve the gains I've made.

There was no time that I ever thought I wouldn't vote for Barack Obama. Tonight just reminded me how committed I am to seeing this through.

And if you wish to go to the polls for the express purpose of canceling out my vote, be my guest. It's your right as an American.

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